Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Livingston County Courthouse

I'm trying to include little sketches of Pontiac in my planner. I figure it might be interesting to look a back on, for me, or my grandkids, if this journal is still around then. This is the courthouse. I snapped a picture on an extremely cold morning, and since it's also just as cold today, I decided I'd better draw from the photo. As you can see it gets a little wonky, but I like the exercise of starting straight in with pen. This is the kind of thing I used to crumple up and throw away and start over until I'd get a more precise drawing...these days I just enjoy them for what they are. And...they are more fun to draw.
We have a beautiful downtown, situated around this courthouse in a square.


Betsy Skagen said...

Hi Joyce,

I saw you comment on the same Funky Junk posting that I did and I decided to visit each site of all those who commented, since we are likely experiencing similar situations. I thought if each of us did the same for each other--visited all the blogs of people who commented on -- and then regularly visited the sites we most liked, we could all help each other build a following.

For the record, Betsy Skagen of came up with this great idea, and she will be eternally grateful if you keep this credit in, and more importantly, visit her site as well.

I hope you like this idea and decide to participate. If you do, just copy all the above, sign with your blog below and start your blog hop journey.

Have a creative day! Betsy at

P.S. Joyce, your drawing skills are amazing. I do lots and lots of art, but can't draw a stick figure :)

pedalpower said...

Betsy, great idea! I will go back to the posts and start blog hopping (tough job ...haha!).