Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Art Party

Today, my sister and sister-in-law came over to make some art. My sis-in-law just retired. She enjoyed painting years ago, and would like to get started again. I thought an easy way to start would be to use the instructions for how we made the journal covers, but to do it on a canvas instead. That way it's fun with paints and no stressing over perspective or realism ....just getting our feet wet painting.
 We started with a layer of spray ink through stencils, then some interesting paper glued down, then some paint dabbed on, and then more stenciling like Jennifer is doing with a home-made stencil in this picture.
 Here Susette has decided she need some vertical element so she did some dots going down her canvas.
 This is Jennifer using some stamps.
 Collage! We had some dictionary and ledger pages that had been monoprinted.

 Much of the various layers gets covered by later layers, but I like how there is text and stenciling peeking though. It adds some nice depth, and interest when viewed at close range. The last step was adding some doodling in black and white.
 This is Jennifer's canvas. At one point she decided she didn't like the middle of her piece, so she dabbed in some more paint and stamps and fixed it up so she was happy with it! That's the nice thing about all these can always go back in and change things.
Here we all are, when we thought we were was after this that Jennifer changed the middle of her piece. It was a fun day full of laughs and color!


Coleen said...

Well I can see from looking at these you'll be able to put that foreign text to good use. I love it for backgrounds. Rather gives a sense of mystery.
Following you now, Joyce. Beautiful blog.

pedalpower said...

Yes, I'm going to love having the foreign text. It's hard for me to get hold of in any quantity over here. Thank you!