The last few days I have been substituting and this time I had quite a bit of time to draw while waiting for kids or while they worked. I had a photo of Louie tucked in the pocket of my sketchbook. This drawing of Louie turned out kind of goofy, but he really was smiling in the photo.

Just ruminating on what my dream job would be. I really only have vague ideas about what I'd like to do. I brought my ink pen and Moleskine but other than that had to use what I had at hand in the classroom....highlighters!

Two things we all wish we had more of!
I love your style of drawing. Please keep posting!
Great journal pages!
I love the Diet Coke can (my favorite) and your use of color. Great work and very inspiring. Your work is the same type of style I use for journaling.
What a creative journal. Keep up the good work.
I love seeing what you put in your Moleskines! Louie is so sweet! And I agree, I love being at home and my two are teenagers now, I dread it when they leave home simply because I have to justify not 'working'. I have plans to work from home too! Good luck!
These pages are just great. Love how you put the thoughts with the sketches.
Thanks for your comments. I'm going to try and post more often. Lately I'm busy rearranging my entire house trying to get organized...including a room for art!
Wonderful drawings--I love the one of Louie--he looks a great dog. Your collection of sayings about money and time are really impressive and fascinating and the accompanying drawings are really neat!
wow, you've been busy :D great sketches in this and earlier posts.
I love these pages (time ... money... art... I can relate!) What a sweet looking dog, too ...
Hi!! I always love seeing your new work. Evenwith such minimal tools, your pages are wonderful.
You're very good at drawing your dog - how about pet portraits? I do those on the side and make some extra money. -Kira
Love these sketchbook pages.
I always enjoy reading your journal pages and love your drawings, these three pages are delightful Joyce. Oh and the vintage treasures are fab too. My husband and I have a thing for renovating old pieces, much more interesting than new stuff and the workmanship is such that these pieces last a lifetime.
I know this blog is about sketching and drawing but I dont know squat about that so I'm going to comment on organzing. :) I have the same struggle. To find good storage that doesn't look like storage but doesn't cost an arm and leg is my lifes goal at this point.
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