Monday, March 26, 2012

Flickr Meet-up

Today I went out with Dennis, whose artwork I've admired on flickr for a long while.

We, and his student Brentton, were going to go on our own little sketchcrawl today, but it was raining pretty hard most of the day.

 We took quite a few photos, and eventually settled down to do a drawing. Well, I did a quick (for me) sketch...Dennis did about 7 or 8 in the same time.

 This is the spot I drew, but from a bit of a different angle.

I used pencil, which I have not used in a long time. Perspective sometimes gives me fits.  Because it was raining so much I tore a few pages out of my sketchbook...that way I could just grab a page with out having the whole book out to get rained on. When I got home, I just hinged it back to the stub I tore it from with a pretty piece of paper and some glue.

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