Monday, April 06, 2020

How Soap Works! and Ta-Da! Lists

 I did a little reading about soap! We are washing our hands like crazy and I wanted to know if soap destroys the virus or just washes it away. It destroys it! I does not even have to be antibacterial soap either...this is a virus not a bacteria. These pages show how it works to tear the virus apart and how it makes it easy to wash the remains of the virus down the drain. Oh yeah, you gotta love science!

Ta-Da!!! That's what we sing when we've accomplished something! Sometimes it can feel like the days are just sliding by without our regular schedule. A long time ago I started doing Ta-da lists. This is not a To-do list. You add to a Ta-da list whenever you finish something during the day.  On bad days when I'm sick or down, I'll say "Ta-da! I took a shower and brushed my teeth!" Very versatile!

Stay well everyone. Stay home and don't forget to get some fresh air each day. It's a mood lifter!

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Pandemic Times

Okie dokie. Well, we are living quite a different life style these days, aren't we? No appointments, no eating out, no visiting in person, no shopping except groceries, no work for many of us. Obviously my souvenir shop is closed...I'm staying in place and hopefully helping to flatten that curve.

When the "shelter in place" was ordered by the governor my parents were visiting. I was already spending most of my time alone at home or with Jeff at his place before they came, so we were not exposed to many people. We really locked down when my parents got here. I'm not sure when my shop will open up this summer if at all, since we would not want to encourage people to travel until it's safe. So in the meantime, I started drawing in a new journal all about this odd time in our lives.

 Here is a quick sketch of Dad watching the news. Sorry dad...I was tense about drawing again. He's much more handsome in person. Dad has to go to dialysis each day, so he is the only one who regularly sees other people. Watching the news and press briefings is an important part of the day. Things change quickly. Weird things are said. More weird things are said that contradict the previous weirdness. Thank God for Dr. Fauci and the other scientists who stick to facts as we know them with this new virus that they are researching on the fly.

One group I'm in prompted us to do the view out the window. These are the sliders in the kitchen. Greta loves to lay there and watch the squirrels.

My favorite position to watch movies and the ever important news coming out.

Mom watching the news snuggled up in blankets.

While my parents were here this became a super important room. I was cooking more; Jeff came over and cooked for us a couple of times. We don't eat out...seems safer to eat food prepared here. I don't normally use Clorox often, but these days, it's not even put away. It reminds me to keep those counters clean.

Jeff making dinner for us. My friends and family all understand they should not expect any sketches to actually look like them. I'm not a portrait artist, that's for sure. He was deep frying fish caught by a friend last summer. I should also draw my freezer...I love that I have lots of meat in there and don't have to shop as much.

This is about the shortage of personal protective equipment. My heart is breaking for our medical professionals and that they are having to work with out the proper equipment to stay safe and with out the equipment to treat patients either! It's like soldiers going into battle with no guns or protective gear. Jeff's daughter is a nurse, and many friends are in the medical profession. This issue is a constant worry on a personal level.

One day I went to the store, then went to the parking lot at the museum complex where my shop is. I drew my favorite exhibit, which is this 1966 school bus conversion that was built and owned by artist Bob Waldmire.

I stayed in my Jeep while I drew. That's good social distancing...but there weren't many people out anyway. Most of the time it's rather eerie how few people are out, but that's a good thing. Flatten that curve. On nice days people are everywhere on foot and on bicycles, and even a few motorcycles. People are home, so they are taking the time to ride bikes with the kids, walk the dogs, meeting neighbors at talking ....each person well over six feet from the next. It seems we are apart, but somehow also together more.

 This is again, my favorite spot. Jeff calls it my nest, because I have knitting and books and something to drink nearby. I drew this after my parents left. I was a bit lonely and got teary when they left...these days, you never know when you might see someone again. So far they are still allowing travel, if necessary, but we don't want to spread this virus or have anyone bring it here either. If a loved one gets sick with COVID-19 and needs to be hospitalized, they will not allow you to visit your loved one in a hospital.

Also Greta, who gets impatient with all this drawing going on.

La Mex is one of my favorite restaurants in town. Most restaurants are still doing delivery and carryout. Not sure about La Mex though. I heard they boarded up for security because they are on the edge of town. Good thinking!

Well, that is it for now. I still have a few more pages that need to be photographed, but I will share them soon. Stay safe everyone. Stay lives. Seems odd but it's so true.

Pandemic Times

Oh what a time we are having around the world these days. I have been drawing up a storm while we are under a "shelter in place" order here in Illinois. I will also be listing some art for sale, as my shop at the Route 66 Museum, "Home Again," is closed until it is safe to reopen. Of course, this is having an effect as I usually depend on the shop to help make ends meet.  I still want you to be able to buy my work, and I can ship it to you.

This painting I painted up at the lake is available through the Pontiac Community Art Center. I can process the sale though the center (even though it is closed), and ship this to your home. You can see a post about it's creation here: Making Art at the Lake.  It is priced at $135. I will send it to you with the shipping free if you live in the United States. If you are outside the USA, I will cover part of the shipping up to 20 dollars  with you covering the rest. If you desire this painting please email me at We can process this using your credit card and I will carefully package it using gloves and a mask.

Thank you for supporting my business all the time and a special "Thank You!" if you can purchase during this covid-19 crisis. Be well, my friends!

This is a mixed media painting using acrylics and pastels.