My sis-in-law told the editor of Impromptu magazine about all the daily sketching I've been doing. The editor thought it would make a good story and she assigned a writer to do a story about it. It tells about how I started making drawing a regular part of my life after reading Danny's website and book, and how it has enriched the quality of my life. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure there was enough there to make a story...but it turned out pretty well. This magazine is circulated to homes in the Kankakee/Joliet area. I don't know how long this will be up---if the Impromptu Magazine gives me permission, I will let it stay.
A big big CONGRATS to you. You make all of us proud!!
That's exciting! It's very well laid out, too. Congratulations.
Huge congratulations! It will surely inspire others to blow the dust off their pencils and paper and join the drawing movement!
oh, congratulations - what a treat
How exciting, Joyce -- Congratulations!!
Thanks! I hope it does inspire someone else to start drawing!
well hey, congrats on the article, that's so cool!!!
and you know it will inspire others, wonderful!!
Wow! How impressive!!! [big clappies] If you were me you'd need to make sure you get a scan of that for when you (ie me) inadvertently chuck the article out in a fit of spring cleaning
Oh, this is great, Joyce!! What fun to get this well-deserved recognition!
congrats! This is great news.
I'm glad you commented on my blog! Yeah, I love Lake MIchigan. I'm going back at the end of June for my high school reunion. I'm looking forward to sunsets on the beach and the cooler than Tucson weather!!
This is very cool. (For a minute I wondered whether the photo of the woman on the right was you, but then I clicked and got closer and saw that it was an ad. Possibly for waxing? Hee hee.) Anyway, this is very exciting.
Well, good for you! Keep up the great work... you famous person!!!
Congratulations on the article Joyce! It looks really good with your illustrations (wish I could read it)!
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