Thursday, February 06, 2014

Inspired by Jennifer Judd McGee...Documented Life Challenge

This week's challenge was to pick an artist who inspires you and make a page with that in mind. I picked Jennifer Judd McGee. She is Swallowfield on flickr, and has an Etsy shop as well. Jennifer does amazing things with cut paper and doodling. Click on her flickr photostream for treat for your eyes! The piece I was inspired by was this one:

As you can see by my page below, I found that cutting those little shapes was a trick...I ended up with some jagged edges and even a couple of torn spots. Ick...the perfectionist in me wanted to do it all over, but the other me (the one who knows I don't have time to do that!) said, "No, it's just a planner page, post it as is." So here it is:

Then I worked on the other pages, and they got a little bit of that paper cutting too:

This one is an old photo of me when I went hang gliding, way back when I was 18 years old.  It's a reminder that I'm still that brave girl....and to grab the opportunities for adventure and fun and learning. I'm afraid of heights, but I like to challenge that once in a while!

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